What / where is the best place to rent a Minecraft server?

- in Plugins

I once rented a Minecraft server from Nitrado for a month and although I rented the maximum RAM (without even having a plugin) there were a lot of lags and it was generally not very stable. So I wonder if there's a better place to rent a server for Minecraft. On the Internet you don't find too many comparisons between the providers and if you do find one, one of them is the one that rents out servers itself.


I can't say anything directly about hosters, as I've only used Nitrado in the past.

However, depending on the circumstances, you could host yourself. Either via your main PC (then this would have to be running whenever the server should be accessible) or via another PC (can be a specially purchased or an old, decommissioned PC - if the performance is sufficient).

If the server should also be accessible from outside, you would have to enable port 25565 (TCP) in the router for that particular computer.

A DynDNS service such as Selfhost.eu would then be recommended - you would not have to share your (changing) public IP address every time, but would have a readable URL

A small list of things that occur to me spontaneously - but which are by no means complete:


Full control over the computer
No monthly rent
Can be upgraded if "more" is needed
Other things can also run through the computer


Port release required
monthly electricity costs will be higher
you have to take care of backups yourself
If something goes wrong, you are responsible & have no support
DynDNS or the constant passing on of your public IP address is necessary


Either with aternos or as xxxcyberxxx has already written