Help with Luckperms plugin minecraft server?

- in Plugins

I have created a new rank for my server the rank builder because you have to give it the permissions. I called the editor with the command / lp group builder editor and added the commands which I find what he may need like essential.gamemode. Then I gave myself the rank and tested whether everything works and everything works very well. I have already tried to give him the admin rank, but although the person who has the admin rank / gamemode creative and flying and everything can be entered and it works, the type who should get the builder rank is not. Why? Do I have to put anything else in minecraft? Or reload the rank (how does it work) or what do I have to do please help


I hope I understood your question correctly.

I think it worked for you as a user you had full rights (*), but the other person did not. To give the builder group the necessary rights you have to set the following permissions to true: "essentials.gamemode", "essentials.gamemode.creative".

You do this with the command "/ lp group Builder set PERMISSION true".


Thanks for the help but I think it was already true and did not go