I have created a MYSQL and don't know what to do next because of Luckperms can jmd

- in Servers

I have created a MYSQL from PHPMyAdmin and Luckperms Bungee on the bungee server and Luckperms on every server of mine and have already done / lp export and also set it in config but jz I need so-called things (see below)

can somebody help me?

address: localhost

database: minecraft

username: root

password: ''


You have to enter the data from your MySQL server.


So also the root password and the numbers ip?


Personally, I would create my own user for this. If the server is not running locally then you clearly have to enter the IP address. But then you will also have to set the mySQL server to allow external connections.


Could you help me with this tomorrow or so when you have time?


No, I do not provide personal support.

For me, the focus is on helping people to help themselves, as well as the possibility that others come across the question via search engines etc. And can thus also benefit from it.