Connect Box crashes due to Minecraft server?

- in Plugins

Good morning I run a Minecraft server and had to set it up again. Since I installed the plugins and want to enter the server, my Connectbox from Unitymedia always crashes and reboots. I've already disconnected the box from the power nothing brings. Has anyone an idea


Unitymedia offers the Fritzbox 6490 or 6591. You can only get this if you book the convenience option for 4.99 euro per month. In your case, it's worth it.

Unitymedia would probably exchange the Connectbox for a Vodafone station if you didn't want to pay an extra charge. I would like to advise against this. A lot of users curse the Vodafone station because they suddenly find it extremely difficult to access the WLAN. It also occasionally happens that a very new Vodafone station is replaced again after a few weeks because it does not work properly.


I used to run one with other plugins, could it be a plugin?