Does the API need to be decompiled?

- in Plugins

I've been trying to code with Java in Minecraft with Spigot and Bukkit plugins for some time now, so now that I'm starting to get used to using APIs, my friend sent me one of them. Still, if I want to use the code, I can always put only "CoinSystem.class" in the line, but not the associated 'code'. Is that possibly because the plugin has to be decompiled, or am I just too stupid for that?


You do not have to decompile APIs. All you have to do is specify it under your IDE as External Jar. I do not know exactly what your API looks like but try creating an instance of the class "CoinSystem.class". So like this:

Then you should with "coinsystem." to access your methods.


Perfect Thank you, will try it tomorrow directly.