Minecraft Plugin Scoreboard?

- in Plugins

How can I fix that (see picture) that it only shows 2 decimal places

Plugin: Scoreboard Revision


Take a look on YouTube, there are many tutorials about this plugin.


Most of the time you can change that in the config.


If you haven't programmed it yourself: You don't do anything yourself, except show the developer or say goodbye to this plugin.

Because that's a bug.

The dear developer probably used a so-called "float" variable for the money, which is unsuitable for amounts of money, because for technical reasons it produces such inaccuracies in calculations that are irrelevant in the vast majority of applications, but here.

With large sums of money there can be completely different problems (e.g. Duping of money).

It would have been better to use an integer or long variable, which can only store whole cents, but precisely to the last cent and without such rounding errors.

Even if you succeed in rounding these decimal places in the display, the amounts are still internally stored crooked amounts with fractions of a cent. As a result, you may always have a certain +/- 1 cent calculation error when dealing with the money.