Minecraft supporter ticket?


I'm confused I got this email back and do not know if I should answer now or the automatic email

E-mail; This is an auto-response, but there are actual humans working on issues. Please take that into consideration when you create your response.


We're currently receiving a high volume of tickets. You may experience a longer wait time for replies. Our team is working to respond to everyone as soon as possible. Please make sure to reply to this ticket only and do not submit additional requests. Multiple requests about the same issue will result in a longer wait time. Your patience is really appreciated.

If you receive an automatic response to your question, please reply to that response only. Sending a new email to our support address will not speed up your response time, as those go to an inbox that is not reviewed.


Did you ever write something to support?

And after what came this email, were you in the game, on a server, in a single player?


Yes, you should reply to this email if you have any questions about support. Here is the text from Google Translate:

E-mail; This is an automatic answer, but there are actually people working on topics. Please take this into account when creating your answer.

This is the important part

We're currently receiving a high volume of tickets. You may experience a longer wait for answers. Our team works to respond to everything as soon as possible. Please make sure to only respond to this ticket and do not send any additional requests. Multiple requests about the same problem will result in a longer wait. Your patience is really appreciated.

If you get an automatic answer to your question, please answer only that answer. Sending a new email to our support address will not speed up your response time, like those going to an inbox that is not checked.


I asked for help and the automatic email arrived


Just wait right?


OK. Since you have a question to the support they wrote back to you that they are currently full and therefore it takes time until they answer you. But if you do not want to wait you can write to me on good question and I will help you when it comes to Minecraft I'm a specialist. LG


That depends on whether you've already written something. If so, you can just wait. If you haven't written anything to support yet, you should reply to this email.


Simply waiting to write back is not worth it so you extend the waiting time as it says in there so I don't know why he should write back Chaosmaster: /.