Me and my friend always argue which version of Minecraft is on the phone, I'm not entirely sure myself.
The Bedrock version runs on iOS, Android, Xbox and PS4
As far as I know, the PocketEdition is the same version as the windows store edition (i.e. Bedrock) and I think that it is always the latest version (just 1.16.5 I think - at least that's what it's called on the Java version)
Switch too, right?
The Bedrock version, and if you mean a comparison to Java and its versions, then you can compare it to 1.16, which is the latest
And on Win10
So if you mean the Minecraft Minecraft version, it is the bedrock edition on mobile tablets etc. If you mean the minecraft version, I think it is on bedrock edition like 1.16.5 on java
Everything except the original PC version is Bedrock
Every phone with Minecraft is bedrock (windows 10)