How do I bridge the lockdown?

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I'm currently having a very hard time with the lockdown.

I have been in treatment for depression for 2 years now, and the problem has existed for a little longer. So far, I've never been really happy in the last few years, but at least I've gotten to grips with my everyday life. Through my involvement in the club and other things, I have tried to fill my life with responsibility - and thus with meaning.

Well, that's all gone now. Studies take place at home, sport is completely eliminated, I don't have any other social safety net. My therapist suspects autism, so I should be tested soon. Regardless of that, it doesn't really seem possible to find social contacts. So I need sport as a "vehicle" for human contact.

Basically, I only meet up with my co-trainer to do sports together and stay fit. Also, since I, as an asthmatic and my father are at least pre-stressed with high blood pressure, my mother is also a risk patient with her muscle disease. I have also set up a Minecraft server so that I can do something with some old video game colleagues from further away. The interest in it is also rather poor.

I have wanted a partner for a long time (for almost 5 years), but so far I have not had any real success.

Meanwhile, my everyday life is no longer really possible for me. During my studies, I'm taking 2 of 6 modules this semester, because it is not enough for more. I will take part in one of them, and I will probably learn the second, like two of my modules in the last semester, shortly before just about. How I wrote a 1.0 in both modules is not clear to me.

I don't really deserve the scholarship for which I was "applied" (a professor asked me for permission to register because of my achievements), given what I'm already missing. The selection process for this is still pending. I don't know if I can do that.

Even the part-time job, which I was asked about by a former internship company, will probably not be able to cope with until normality has returned, which is why I asked for a delay.

I'm glad that it was enough for the entire board meeting of the association today. Unfortunately, cleaning was canceled.

I don't feel like all that snot anymore. I'll be 22 next week. I think this is the first birthday I want to get over with as soon as possible.

How do I make it to the end of the lockdown so that I can at least see my fellow athletes again?


First of all, sorry

To the university, you can be so good that the professor asks you whether you should register, just because you're bad at times, it doesn't mean that you can't

Since you will be 22 years old, try to gamble or maybe read anime, watch something you never have time for otherwise (start with anime.) Watch the pet girl of sakurasou on netflix or irregular at magic high school give it a try

maybe learn from 10 to 13/14/15 and then get busy, meeting is difficult but your fellow athletes may gamble or watch a movie together ask them what they are doing and try it out

or start drawing anime go to and take something

hope this is a little help sorry about the therapy. Have fun


What you are missing is a different attitude and Dan Would it make sense if it is possible to do something with others then you will probably get your motivation back and if things are not going too bad you can repeat things!

If you are really autistic then there will be other things that the association must also take into account!

Maybe a part-time job would be the ideal úm to get out and if it's just a 450 euro job where you have to push shopping carts and bring them to the store! Almost everyone should be able to do that who has something or he just has to be good to have!

If you are bored then read something for example

Douglas Adams books that refer to the hitchhiking ins as and the 6 that by the way is still what heist which is also interesting!

But I don't mean the book about the film because the 6 books are better!

Or more demanding Dante's divine comedy But be careful that can be real painful because nothing is as it should be!

Get yourself one or more hobbies where you can, for example, do something later in a club. For example a watch on a boatman or something else!

If you are skilled you can try it strictly if that works you can save a lot of money and especially if you do it yourself that the powder lasts for 10.20 years despite being washed in the machine!

Or try it with mangas Lessen that distracts some make you laugh, others distract you well!

Some are better as a manga than the anime because it goes even further!


Do you have any other stabilization measures that still work? The most important thing now would be to keep the depression in check.

Social contacts, I already have the diagnosis that may come with you, I have a hard time there too. I'm currently writing a lot about messengers with friends. Everyone is a little lonely right now, so pretty much everyone is happy about interaction. And I'm playing an online game again that I used to spend a lot of time in.

Basically, it's the same for many at the moment. With and without depression, with and without autism. Humans are just mostly pretty good at hiding it. And everyone knows 2020 was tough. It's okay if things are going a little less well right now.

And you probably wrote 1.0 because you are good 😉 you don't write such grades by mistake.


Do you have any other stabilization measures that still work?

The only one I would have would be exercising with my co-coach. That's the only thing stopping me from vegetating in my bed. But otherwise… Nothing more.

And you probably wrote 1.0 because you are good 😉 you don't write such grades by mistake.

Well, if I started working on the first lecture a week before the exam… I wouldn't expect such a grade there. I would have expected a bad 3. Somehow I would have liked to screw up the exams so that my stupid head could see that the strategy wasn't working. But well, that's another topic.


Have you ever tried to find other mechanisms? Painting, cooking, working with wood, learning languages, reading, whatever. It's good that you have something to hold you up, but more legs would be better. For example, I rediscovered puzzles for myself.

Your grade is not awarded based on the amount of work you have done, but based on how well you have understood the content. And if a few days were enough on the topic, then a note like that comes around.


There's a lot to do to be successful, let's tackle it and always do everything that brings us up the ladder of life so that the universe, according to the law of resonance, can also bring us the same in the form of +++ and good.


You just had to accept the current situation. No more and no less.