Earning money as a student through creative online services?


That question sounds stupid, but I'm pretty talented at logo design, web design, and other things a creative director would do. So far only design and model, I'll practice programming with the next lockdown.

And how can I now use this as a source of money and sell logos online or something like that ("part-time job"). Is there still something like that? So that others offer money and you do the logos or websites, videos? A former friend did exactly that, only making Minecraft pictures and then making money.

But where and on which portals can you do this?


A creative director is usually not even the executive "designer" role but takes on planning and conception.

So if you design yourself you are the art director. As a student, however, I would keep as far away from the term as possible.

Since you have to sell yourself you can only sell banners to something like friends or "YouTubers" (PayPal friends and acquaintances). Unless you have what it takes to start a sole proprietorship and adhere to the guidelines that go with it. Then you can also work with companies on account.


The creative director was just a description so that you know what area I can do what. Not of the same quality, of course, but it looks like I've used the wrong term. Yes, I'm looking for something in between, but fiverr has just suggested to me, which sounds interesting


First of all I would perhaps expand my experience by writing a school newspaper, a parish or parish letter, or a local newspaper in the youth section or something similar. Cooperate. This also means that you not only deal with the trimmings, but also with the content. Because everything has to fit together.

Then I would get in touch with a web design studio in your area and offer your assistance.


Yes, it would be great if I could do something like that. But well, I'm already busy through school and just need a bit of money that I earn in the background. Is that still a part-time job if I'm an employee?