Microsoft, Google etc. BUY EVERYTHING in their way?

- in Worlds

Do we want to live in a society made up of monopolies?! Is that what you want

Microsoft buys Skype.

Facebook buys Whatsapp.

Google is buying Youtube.

Microsoft EVEN bought MINECRAFT wtf?!

Don't say "This is how business works" now - I know how it works.

Is it actually clear to you guys what kind of future we're heading for? At some point, nothing independent will exist anymore. Combined with the lockdown of small businesses, there will soon be only 3 major companies in the world - or should I say maybe - just one?

Even now, the economy is above the legal system as far as PRACTICE is concerned - at some point the law will no longer have any relevance because we're all dependent - see oil, electricity, etc. - only much worse


Do we want to live in a society made up of monopolies?! Is that what you want

It's totally irrelevant what we want, do you think anyone is really in a position to take action against it?


The customer decides what he uses or buys and what not and thus also what exists and what does not.

I used to upload YouTube videos. I've never done that again since Google bought Youtube. If everyone did that, YouTube would no longer exist. There are enough alternative platforms for this.




And did stopping your video uploads do anything? In theory you are right, but in reality we have no chance of changing anything.


With that kind of thinking, not no - if everyone just faints and makes themselves comfortable, then you really have no chance. If somebody in this world were to stand up for something, it might be different.

There are video platforms that are exactly as good as YouTube.


But nobody does as you say yourself, so you have no chance no matter how many individual changes


But some do. But too few do it. Each of us can do something - e.g. Not celebrating just any Instagram models - because Instagram too - belongs to Facebook. Or not to order from Amazon.

It's the same as protecting the environment. A year ago people said "you can't do anything anyway" - and now you've achieved a lot.


What have you achieved in terms of environmental protection? You have traveled less because it is forbidden, but otherwise?

I mean I would like to believe that, but the reality is just different.