Wanted to play minecraft vanilla on a server for a long time.
works well in 3 of 4 people.
the one, however, joins but can't break down or gets the degraded block not because it does not even spawn.
after about 30 sec. Will my buddy kicked by the server with the following message:
internal exception: io.netty.handler.timeout.readtimeoutexception
have been through many forums, but all write that it is probably on the internet, but in our case can't be.
the speedtest says 120mBit / s and the one hosting the server has about the same downloadrate.
the server was assigned 4GB ram which I think is enough.
we suspect that something hamachi or minecraft blocked itself.
new .minercaft folder has already been created.
the firewall we have actually already created an in-depth rule for hamachi.
are really desperate, because he has also changed nothing since we gambled last time on his MC server.
At ports I also thought only as I said nothing changed and the router certainly not
Your internet is definitely too awake for that and the RAM also prefers to buy a server host-unlimit ed.de which has 1000 mbps of the latest processors and 10gb RAM of 10 euro for 1 month
Why just Host Unlimited? What do they do better than others…
120 MBit are anything but weak, but…
Your problem is again because of the used Hamachi…
Leave that and your problems will dissolve…
Release port 25565 in the host's router and it's good.
The IP, which you need to join, the host finds on http://www.wieistmeineip.de