Minecraft RealLife / Roleplay Server looking for a team member?

- in Servers

First of all, this shouldn't be a call for advertising or anything else.

Our RealLife / Roleplay Server is currently looking for builders, supporters and developers

We have been working on the server for 1.5 years now and are now looking for capable team members to help us work towards the realse. I have already placed an ad on various Minecraft forums, but there are few or no applications and when they are people who just want to do something want to have a status but are not willing to actively help build the server.

Now for my question, do you have any tips where to get decent team members from a little older than 16+ and who are willing to work as builders, supporters, developers?


I still play minecraft actively and can build quite well, I would like to apply as a builder if I can?


I'm glad you're interested.

Would be grateful if you wrote a short application on Discord

Discord: Alexus1606 # 8587


Jo I do


I'm 15 and I sometimes play Minecraft and can build quite well and have fun with it. I would love to be a builder


I'm glad you're interested.

The best thing to do is to contact me briefly on Discord: Alexus # 8587