What is the name of the Minecraft server?

- in Servers

(I'm posting the question for the 2nd time because I found out some more information.)

I played Minecraft a long time ago, always on a specific server.

Unfortunately I don't know what his name is anymore, maybe you can help me.

My favorite game mode was, you could play 1vs1, there were boxes that you had to open where things were inside, and it wasn't Gomme (where there's an arena or something similar) but you could buy on a large map, one way up a house, on the right were trees with boxes inside…

Then in the same game mode it garb a map that plays on a market. There are boxes hidden everywhere.

Maybe you can help me.


Sounds like survival games


Can you also play 1v1? In the survival game


This is the map, I found it.
Does the game mode still exist on Gomme and can you choose the maps yourself?