When I join my Minecraft forge server I can never move and get stuck in the air how can I fix that because even teleporting doesn't help
Are there any error messages in the server console?
What modifications do you use?
I use the Modpack "Create Live 2" from https://www.modpackindex.com/author/9133/blizzor96 https://www.modpackindex.com/modpack/27804/create-live-2
and there's only one bug with journeymap
[Server thread / ERROR] [journeymap /]: Failed to read message for worldId: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: readerIndex (1) + length (1) exceeds writerIndex (1): PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf (ridx: 1, widx: 1, cap: 1)
Maybe you should remove Journey Map for testing. Alternatively, look in the server settings regarding Fly.
I have the same problem.
I have also the same proplem