Minecraft Server Hide and Seek?

- in Servers

Actually a very simple question: With Minecraft hide and Seek Server, HOW DO YOU BECOME SEARCH? Because I always have to hide.


If you search from someone you are automatically searcher.


That depends on the server, but mostly it's a coincidence. If you are found it is with many servers that you become a searcher.


Yes, but until now I was always the one who was wanted.

What am I doing wrong?


But how do I look for people then? Is there an attitude or how?


It's different for every server. Most of them will be chosen at random. Maybe you just had a lot of bad luck.

With other servers it is sometimes so that you can choose the "team". But if the search team is always full or you may not have seen it at all, that may be the reason. But until now I have only played on servers where it was random.


And where can you see the search team on the 'Hive Server'?


Unfortunately, I don't know exactly.
Unfortunately, as far as I know, the Hive server has now closed. Unfortunately I don't know another server where you can play these modes.

Best wishes.