2 IP addresses on 1 domain?

- in Servers

I wanted to ask if it works to add 2 IP addresses to a domain.

I have my Minecraft server on example.net and my web space. Now I wanted to ask if it is possible to reach the website (webspace) and the Minecraft server on example.net.

Something like that


Sure, there are many options.

You can assign hostnames in the domain (mcs.example.net, http://www.example.net), or switch a reverse proxy for the other IP on one host and route the traffic over it, or route everything via an LB. It also depends on what kind of infrastructure your provider can provision.


What is an LB?


Load balancer - there are many providers (AWS, google, digital ocean, … - almost everyone who offers more than just hobby hosting) especially for the purpose of switching between DNS - IP and the actual back end servers Decoupling to switch. It can also distribute the load over several servers, that's where the name comes from. However, it also works with only one server per service.


Ok, I just read something from 'SRV entries'. Where do I have to make the entry? Do you happen to know


Simply enter in your zone file from the DNS.

Only that doesn't work here.


OK thanks!