Minecraft Bungeecord Disconnect?

- in Servers

Hi, I recently started a Minecraft Bungeecord network. But whenever players join, they are kicked again immediately on the grounds that "An existing connection was closed under software control" or "An existing connection was closed by the remote host". I have already tried everything, deleted and redone Bungeecord Config, deleted ViaVersion and other Pligons and tried again, but the problem is still not solved. In case it is important, Bungeecord runs on 1.12.2.

I also set IP Forwarding and Bungeecord in the bungeecord config and spigot.yml to True, nothing has changed. Both the proxy and the Spigot server each have 5Gb RAM


Would use FlameCord (BungeeCord fork)

You also need a maximum of 1 GB of ram for the proxy server.