Unable to join Minecraft Server for others?

- in Servers

I recently set up a Fritzbox, and now I'm trying to create a Minecraft server.

The port release in the Fritzbox and firewall was created.

The server was also created correctly.

But now I have the following problem:

I can join my server over the IP4 in CMD.

However, this IP and the public IP (viewed on https://www.ipchicken.com/) are completely different.

And even when the server is running, "https://portchecker.co/" does not recognize any open ports.

I still tried around with NO-IP and this program only recognizes the IP of IPChicken and not that of CMD.

I can only join via the CMD-IP and if I enter the IP of IPChicken in the server properties, failed to bind to port comes, of course I have already used this IP when the port was released in the Fritzbox.

I have now completely deactivated the firewall.

But my friends just can't join, they can't find the server.

Does anyone have any idea what this could be?

I'm grateful for every answer.


I can join my server via IP4 in CMD, but this IP and public IP are completely different.

That's right… Your internal LAN IP probably with 192.168.178.xxx and the external WAN IP…

Since the external IP changes every day, tell your friends the NOIP URL you created…

And when it comes to port release, you must of course enter the internal IP of your server where the frit should forward the ports…

and the portchecker will normally not find anything because they would have to listen to your MC server's answer…


The IP you get in the CMD is the internal IP of your network, so only those who are in the same network as you can access…

Your external IP is used to access the server from outside, that's the IP your friends need…


The problem is that I can't join via the server via the external IP. And when I try to enter the external IP in the server properties, the error occurs on the server: failed to bind to port.

And if I leave the IP address empty in the server properties, only the LAN IP will work.

And of course the NO-IP doesn't work, if not even the external IP works.

What could be the reason that the external IP is not working?


Okay, but as mentioned, the external IP doesn't work at all.

I have already tried to enter the external IP in the server properties, unfortunately without success.

And if I leave the server-ip: empty, then only the LAN-IP works.


No IP may be entered in the Server.properties… Unless you use Hamachi, this is the Hamachi IP…

If your external IPv4 is not reachable, you may be unlucky enough to have a DS-Lite connection. Then you can forget about hosting with IPv4, unless you are dealing with VPN…

Alternatively, you can still use the Ipv6, but with that, the port must also be released… TCP is enough.


In the frit now the IP of the server entered in the port release?

The correct port numbers entered with these releases?

NoIP shows you the correct external IP (your external IPv4), test via ping?