Server rented but not getting what's on the line?

- in Servers

I recently got a VPS from Contabo, now I should get 10 cores and 60GB ram, I installed Htop via putty and saw that the server has 8 cores that have 100% performance. So only 2 cores, I also had a Minecraft server (Vanilla) on it and it lagged like anything else. Then I wrote twice to the support team who didn't want to help me and said "You share a VPS server with others". But if I'm offered 10 cores and I pay for it, I have to get the 10 cores as it is on offer, right? In addition, the server hoster accused me of hacking and blocking the server shortly before the cancellation date, said 100 times that I would not do it or that only a team peak was running because the server was useless for more. Then they blocked my server and should now pay 30 euro for the reactivation. How is it now, how can I help myself, should I go to the lawyer or should I pay the 30 euro? Or something else?


Pay the 30 euro and cancel the server immediately. You are apparently unable to maintain a server. If 8 CPU cores run at 100% then something is wrong on the system. TeamSpeak also runs with less than optimal. In my view, your server was compromised because you didn't maintain it properly. Therefore, the block by the host is entirely justified.


The 8 cores have been at full load since I rented the server


And? Then you check that, end the processes causing it and then make sure that it doesn't happen again. A freshly set up server will not use 100% even with a core.


Do you have 8 cores permanently at 100% performance?

And an accusation that you should have "hacked" from there?

Then I guess you were hacked earlier and someone else used it.


But in HTop it just says that the team peak is running and the Minecraft server is not there anymore


Do you ever have a screen?