Update Minecraft bukkit server?

- in Servers

Since tomorrow the 1.16 update for MC is coming, I wanted to ask how I can "update" my Bukkit server, which I host from my PC


Simply replace your server file with the new 1.16er if it has been updated. Of course, you also have to replace plugins with the new versions.


What do you mean by the server file?


Simply download the 1.16 Bukkit and you're done. Only for this you have to pay attention to your installed plugins whether they are also compatible with 1.16. With some plugins it can either not work properly or not at all from 1.16. Something like that happened to me with the Sketchmap plugin, which from 1.11 version shows the pictures very badly and buggy. That is why I still use my own Minecraft server 1.10.2 to this day because I have not found a Sketchmap plugin free alternative.


You then simply have to replace the bukkit file (which is a .jar file) with the new file. However, this new version may not yet appear because Bukkit is not developed by Mojang but by private individuals. I also recommend Spigot because it simply offers a lot more advantages than Bukkit.


Ok, what's the difference between spigot and bukkit?


Spigot_server.jar or whatever your name is.


OK thanks


Can I just replace a Bukkit file with a Spigot file?


No. Bukkit is not spigot. At least not directly.
Do you mean CraftBukkit?


No, I do not think so


That would mean that I have to create a new server again, right?