Minecraft Iron Golem Farm Production Improve?

- in Servers

I built an iron golem farm on a Minecraft server.

It consists of 4 villages and a zombie. In and of itself, it also works well when you are around.

But can I reinforce the spawning of the iron golems by making a total of 14/16 out of the 4 villages? I would still have enough space on the sides. I would then get 1 or 2 more zombies Ran.

The Mc Wiki says that an iron golem always spawns from 10 villagers in a village. But here the villagers operate this "gossip" or as it says in the article. And then I would just know whether if there were more villagers operating, whether iron golems would also spawn faster? Or just more?

Or is the work not worth it, because I still can't get through the 20 villagers to spawn a second iron golem in the "village"?

Kind regards, Timon

And thanks in advance for the answer.


You can build several farms but they have to have a huge distance between them and blue ice is best


The one about the ice is helpful, thank you.

Unfortunately, if I wanted to increase the productivity of one farm, because I can't stand on all farms at the same time anyway. And thus the farms do not become more productive


You could at most increase the randomtickspeed but cheates must be activated


Goes bad on a server, both of which I have no rights, and we also have other farms that would otherwise overflow very quickly.

But thanks for the tips anyway


You didn't write that about it.