Bungeecord Bedwars Sub-Server RAM?

- in Servers

I'm in the process of building a bungee cord network and am asking myself a few questions about the Bedwars game mode. I'm actually very experienced when it comes to Minecraft servers, but I was a bit overwhelmed with this topic.

My questions would be: How much RAM would such a sub-server need where a BEdwars map is running (it can't actually be that much) and how can you restart the sub-server with CloudNET at the end of the round?

I would be very grateful for some helpful answers.


Not even a gigabyte.

Maybe 512mb (even that could be too much) depends on how many players and how incompetent the plugins are running on it


Okay thanks


Depending on how well the BedWars plugin is programmed, I would spontaneously say 1-2GB.

CloudNet automatically restarts the server when it goes offline if not enough servers are online. You specified the number of servers when you set up the group, the question was roughly "How many servers from this group should be online at the same time?" If you still want to have more servers online, you have to increase the number of servers in the group config or start a server manually using a command.