Minecraft server rent how much ram to 4?

- in Servers

Hello 3 other friends and I want to rent a Minecraft server but we don't know how much RAM we need so that it runs well and lagg free?


Do you want to install plugins? If so you should take the 3 GB RAM, if not I would almost say 1GB RAM


Yes, we might want to get a mod pack. There are 2Gb available so that would fit well with the normal version.


The crucial question is what kind of Modpack…

Vanilla? 1GB
Bukkit / Spigot plugins? Depending on the number from 2GB
ModServer? Depending on the mod pack and number of mods 4Gb to 8Gb for large packs

Of course, these are only approximate numbers, but look for a provider where you can book Ram afterwards. Then you can see how much you need.