On my Bukkit 1.14.0 minecraft server we have EssentialsX (for shops etc.) installed. Everything goes as far as good. However, if someone launches a command, for example, the game joined / leavt or afk is the time is about 50 ticks. Have not found anything to jz in the Config.yml.
What do you mean "the time is 50 ticks"?
If a player interacts with something, then the time simply reflects on "0", say if you enter / time set day.
-A day in Minecraft is divided into ticks.
Do you have any other plugins? If yes, which?
Recommend to update Spigot 1.14.2 because it contains 1.14 thousand bugs.
Latest essentialsx finest you here:
In addition, bukkit is no longer generated as .jar, only spigot.