Just liked because of Minecraft?

- in Servers

Hi, there are 2 people who were important to me one very special. I could not cope with one person because he is mean to me and I feel unfair.

He was very nasty to me. I really liked his best friend, we played a lot of other games. Print Today there was a dispute where I ended the Minecraft server.

Because I can't handle the people. I try it first, try to understand the man, but then he is an A. Ok I have him banished, insult offensive.

His best friend now wants to have nothing to do with me anymore. I did so much with him. He stopped contacting me about MC, how am I supposed to feel?


From this you can learn an important lesson. Do not show your feelings, but make good mine a bad game. Instead of banishing him, you should have ignored him and subtly fooled him.


You will meet many such people. Work, sport and play. Combining common activities does not always end in friendship. Many people come and go in a life. Just enjoy the time with them as long as it takes and keep the memory in your heart. I've seen many come and go… I was often abandoned or left when talking did not help. It is normal. For once you and his buddy have been around since and he knows him longer or privately, too. Is he loyal to him and prefers to play with him instead of you? It is sad, but not changeable. I guess you've tried to talk to you and if a hacked on you and B does not defend you, he is not a friend! Teasing and offending are 2 pairs of shoes! Everything you do not know real, are only known! Do not take anything so much to heart, otherwise you will eventually be depressed and emotionally rendiert!


We should explain to you how you should feel? What's in it now?

If you no longer have contact with your friends because of something like that were the wrong friends.


I wanted to hear that, thank you.


Great explained! Thank you for your answer, this question was more a confirmation for me and that makes me feel much better now, sometimes you have to let people go, split up to meet new people. Or?


That would be haha.


Jup, unfortunately! It can hurt very much, if you are just friends for a common activity and not more… I also have a lot of people in my game, but they are not friends. Only playmates!