Minecraft stress with friends?

- in Servers

I tell everything in detail. I mark the important thing.

I play Mc with 4 friends. Frederik (friend), Daniel (Frederiks Bro), Elias and Tom (former friend).

Frederik (owner) and Daniel were 1st.

Elias came 2 weeks later and (from there) 3 days later I.

Tom only came in yesterday.

He also asked about iron. We gave him max. Ench. Slide. Equip against. He also got an Elytra, permission to visit our farms and a tour.

From there he became rude. He asked for things and complained that he didn't get enough.

(Again important marginal information.

Elias and I are both only allowed to go online for 1/2 hour. The others unlimited.

Tom searched my boxes. My valuable things were in my ec… Except my 2 stacks of slime, which I urgently needed for a large farm and which cost me 4 days. (During this time I lost my whole inf 2 times.)

He took it and distributed it across the village. I got 1 stack back, he kept 1 stack. I also killed him 3 times out of anger.

Each of us knew where to build. I marked it on the map.

To provoke me, he built a superfluous path through my cobble village. I said before Elias, who helped,:

Please keep an eye on Tom. Don't let him get to my base. Please make sure that he does not degrade / steal anything.

When I came on the server with Tom, I asked him about it. But he said that I didn't build anything on this spot. I started mining it. He didn't want it because he was sitting there for 3 hours. He killed me and only returned my stuff when I threatened to ban it. (He still didn't return everything.)

I suggested that he redirect the way for him, which would make him even faster, but he killed me again because I'm "crying". Then I called Elias. He immediately apologized and proposed to move the path. Frederik spies for me and says that he regularly searches my camp. I staked out my area so he knows where it is, but he didn't want to stick to it. When I wanted to give Iteams to let him do it, he refused, on the grounds that he still wanted to build a XXl bunker there and liked to farm my trees there. (The pictures Buggen)

How should I react to that?


You argue about… Minecraft?


What are you doing so much stress? Close the server and open it again later.


Is this a serious argument? Not serious!



Please think again about whether this is really a reason for dispute. You don't seem to enjoy playing with these people, so just leave it.


You should sit down and talk about it calmly. Minecraft is no reason to argue.


I don't want that at all. I also wanted to face him diplomatically.


I want to keep playing. Elias and Frederik are the only social contacts I can have right now. I don't want the argument either.


What do you think? It is about him breaking my village.


Although this is quite inappropriate to the topic, it reminds me of Craft attack 7 and Petrit.


Why don't you give him a few days and if he doesn't learn from it…

Then banish even longer but after a couple of times just make a permanent ban.