Server commands that every minecraft server needs?

- in Servers

I'm admin on a server and how are you looking at which commands you need as a player? Can someone tell me which commands are important on the server and which each server should have?


There are certain roles files that can be downloaded. And I would change that. And of course depending on what plugins you have.


It is particularly important to me when playing Minecraft that I can use the following commands as a player:

/ hub
/ stats
/ statsall
/ map
/ L


Of course, the one you need for the plugins.

Bie multiverse e.g. / mvtp and something like that


/ ping


This assumes that it is a minigame server.

For example, on a citybuild server, all commands (except / spawn and possibly / stats) make no sense.


And how should I know with such a question? Man doesn't matter, I understood it that way and then I write it xD


Regardless of the type of server (minigame, city / freebuild, community, etc.), I would describe the following commands as necessary:

/ help, /?
/ spawn (and possibly / home) or / lobby or / hub
/ stats
/ ticket or / support

I can think of many more, but I need to know what kind of server it is, otherwise some commands wouldn't make sense.




Shouldn't be a reproach. The questioner didn't specify the question, so we can't know.


Haha ok, you never know, it doesn't happen here too often, you know.