Imprint or privacy policy?

- in Servers

I wanted to ask if I need an imprint or a data protection statement for Teamspeak Server, Minecraft Server and Discord Server


Once the whole thing is connected to a website, yes, this website then needs an imprint, if not, then no (would not know how that should go especially with a game server).

A survey is there btw out of place, this is not a question of opinion, even if 100 people say something wrong, it is not so wrong


Depends on. The following from Teamspeak itself:

Please note, the following answer does not constitute legal advice and does not replace it. If further questions exist, a lawyer or data protection officer should be consulted.

The storage or processing of the logging data takes place in the area of responsibility of the respective users, or the admins, since they hold the sole sovereignty over these data.

The purely private and non-commercial use of a TeamSpeak server is not subject to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO), cf. Art. 2 para. 2 lit. C) GDPR.

However, this exception to the generally applicable provisions of the GDPR does not apply as soon as you conduct a business activity of any kind via the TeamSpeak software. Business is any economic activity, regardless of whether money actually flows. This also includes advertising, the exchange of data for services, etc. It is also not covered by this exemption if you make publicly accessible the personal data that you collect via the TeamSpeak software. Publicly visible data collections always fall under the provisions of the GDPR.

For businesslike use of the TS server, an imprint according to § 5 TMG with at least the following information is required:

1. The name and address under which they are established, legal persons, in addition the legal form, the authorized representative and, if information is provided about the capital of the company, the ordinary or capital stock and, if not all, cash deposits the total amount of deposits outstanding,

2.Information that enables rapid electronic contact and communication with them, including the electronic mail address,

3. If the service is offered or provided in the context of an activity requiring regulatory approval, information on the competent supervisory authority,

4. The commercial register, association register, partnership register or cooperative register in which they are registered and the corresponding registration number,

If the service involves the exercise of a profession within the meaning of Article 1 (d) of Council Directive 89/48 / EEC of 21 December 1988 establishing a general system for the recognition of higher education diplomas covering at least three years of vocational training (OJ EC No 16), or within the meaning of Article 1 (f) of Council Directive 92/51 / EEC of 18 June 1992 on a second general system for the recognition of professional education and training to supplement Directive 89/48 / EEC (OJ No L 18, p 25, 1995, L 17, p. 20), as last amended by Commission Directive 97/38 / EC of 20 June 1997 (OJ EC No L 184, p. Offered or provided information about

a) the chamber to which the service providers belong

b) the legal professional title and the state in which the professional title has been awarded,

c) the description of the professional regulations and how they are accessible cases in which they have a VAT identification number according to § 27a of the Value Added Tax Act or an economic identification number according to § 139c of the Tax Code, the indication of this number,

7.In the case of limited companies, limited partnerships and limited liability companies in liquidation or liquidation, information about them.

For other public use an imprint should be placed according to § 55 RStV. This includes:

1. Name and address

2. If necessary For legal persons also name and address of the authorized representative.

For purely private, non-public use there's no imprint obligation.

Insofar as an imprint and / or a privacy policy are provided, this must be integrated in such a way that they can be reached with just one click.


You need an imprint if your offers are permanently online.

You need a privacy policy (DSE) if you (or your offers) processed data from other people (eg store, view).

You will probably have to answer both with "yes".

If you do that for free only for family and real friends, it will not be seen so closely. A DSE will not be necessary. The friend term is seen here very closely - that does not apply to people you only know from the Internet.