supporter rating good?

- in Servers

Could you maybe judge my application?:


I'm Felix aka IchHabChatban69. First I tell a little bit about myself: I'm 13 years old (I actually don't know enough yet. And I come from Lower Saxony. My hobbies are handball and I like to program in my free time and I also play games like Minecraft, Lol etc. I can actually be online for about 3-5 hours every day from 3 p.m. (on weekends earlier) (weekend longer). So now I will tell you a little bit about my strengths and weaknesses. First of all about my weaknesses B. That I'm not very good at organizing like in a school project so I always make a to-do list to be able to organize myself better. One of my strengths is that I can concentrate and focus very well and I can Remember things like rules or sentences very well. Now that I have introduced myself as far as possible, I would like to tell you why I want to apply here on the server: I would like to apply on the S Apply server because I have a lot of fun on the server and also find the server team very nice. I also want to help the server. I always wanted to be part of the team at times, but unfortunately it was too young. So now I come to my contact options: My Discord Tag is: "MEIN DC TAG" and my Instagram name is "MEIN INSTA". My email address is: MY EMAIL.

So that was my application and I look forward to your feedback!


Not structured, many grammatical errors.


Not bad but also not very good there's often talk about the hot porridge and yes age could be a problem and maybe you should be able to play the role of a supporter and talk about PC equipment as little as about micro etc.


As the others said: grammatical and structural errors.

It is best to structure areas in your application, such as:

[About me]

Name, age, place of residence, hobbies

[Experience with Minecraft]

Since when do you play? What are you mainly doing in Minecraft? Where are you playing? Etc

[Experience with the server]

How did you get on the server? What do you particularly enjoy?

[Strengthen weaken]

What are you good at / what not? Important: only write what really applies!

See what is required in the application template.

(Do not copy, make your own structure, this has a positive effect!)

I wish you much success with your application and your possibly new job.


Thanks for the answer!