I just wanted to ask if my Discord server (which has to do with my Minecraft server network) is allowed to collect donations for my Minecraft server? Incidentally, 100% of the donations are reinvested in the server.
You have to pay taxes on them
I'm aware. My exact question, however, was whether this is allowed by Discords? (I don't seem to have explained it well enough)
I think so, don't know any rule or something which prohibits that
Basically, yes. You just have to look at how fundraising is regulated in your state
I already think that it is allowed.
But I'm not 100% sure, the best thing to do is to write to Discord again on Twitter.
Yes, that's allowed! As long as you can guarantee that the donations will not be used for things that violate the Discord TOS! So just read the terms of use of Discord on the subject of real money transactions through there should be something about it