I can't join my server domain with my server domain?

- in Servers

With localhost in Minecraft, with my IP just not IPv4.

The client of Manage My Domain always looks for the latest IPv4 address, so I can't join either.

If IPv4 does not work logically the domain does not work, how do I correct it?


So your Minecraft server runs on your PC?

Your router is assigned a public IPv4 address by your provider. This IP is then shared by all devices that are connected to the Internet via the router. It works differently with IPv6. Every device always has its own IP.

If you want to access your server via public IPv4, you have to set up port forwarding in the router.


How does it work? I've already released port.


Test the port here: http://www.ipv6scanner.com/cgi-bin/main.py

Do you know the difference between a public and a private IP?


Both your IPv6 and your IPv4 address are displayed here: https://wtfismyip.com/