Create Minecraft Cauldron server for free (does not have to be a 24/7 server)? Is that possible? If yes, where?

- in Servers

Create Minecraft Cauldron server for free (does not have to be a 24/7 server)? Is that possible? If yes, where?


Every server is easy to create and free of charge if you use it from home Hoster - because electricity usually pay the parents…

But you should not have to ask such questions, because then that is probably nothing more…

With a hosting company you do not get anything for free, of course, they have to pay for hardware, location and power, among other things…

If you have a good time, then practice on your computer with a VM, which you can later easily transfer to other computers and then you have already learned a lot…

The simplest server is running after downloading the latest Minecraftserver.jar from and double-clicking it with Java installed…

This server is then reachable, after double-clicking again, if you previously changed in the Eula.txt, the false to true, on the IP localhost or - ie on your own computer…

Mods can be installed as well as plugins - but with a version of Spigot… The principle described above…

What is quite simple with Minecraft, is often much more difficult with other games - nevertheless, one can operate them ALL on the native computer, because proper servers are also only computers, on which runs some service, which provides the game server…


There are several "free server providers" but they are no good… I would rather a small game server from 3 euro mtl. Rent. Host at home, you'll never get the performance of a server, just because of the connection. Then there's the security risk, etc.

kCauldron is outdated anyway the "new alternative" is called Thermos… Just googling in principle equal only "outdated".


First I refer to the other answers.

As I promised another user a few days ago to offer him a host (without any guarantee and etc.) (did not take it), I would offer that if you do not want to do it at home.

Send me a friend request (if interested) and I send you the login data to the web interface.


I know how to install server only i want to have one online that players from all over the world can do


And you do it for free?


Exactly, as long as I have room left on the server, and lust people to give a server, because then usually synonymous support belongs to it.


All well and good, but I do not want to be hacked


Where is it that you can hack you over ports?


The ip of the server is the ip router… That's me


Yes and? If you attack the router, what's going to happen? Of course, he will not spread any Schadsorftware - you get most of them by mail and not on an open port 25565 … Or you click actively in a website on a link that contains the malicious software (the typical example:


Through the ip see the router hackst the gossip finished in the wlan of the user and jerk aufm computer man mus only from time to hack the password


That's so easy but not possible from the outside… If the ports are to be nothing with hacking and port 21 shall not open…

but if you are so scared that you will hack you over the port, then you should not start a server, because the big servers are all running on unlocked ports…