Copy real book in Minecraft?

- in Servers

I got a book (valuable) on a smaller multiplayer City Built Server. I would like to add text to the book and asked myself whether it is allowed to copy part of a real book (I think Erebos) into a Minecraft book and then sell it for ingame money. (I don't copy everything, only 1-2 chapters, like a kind of excerpt)


Does the server rules state whether advertising is allowed / forbidden? If it says explicitly that advertising is forbidden, I would not take the risk, at least not name the book title. Which server are you playing on?


UrhG writes that only the author of the work may make the work readable in public - or whoever has a contract with the author, for example the author's publisher.


It depends on the extent to which it is public or you present it in public. Depends on how many people are on the server, to what extent the invitation / server data are public and whether you have a personal connection to the "buyers". It is also problematic if the in-game money has an actual value, i.e. You really make a profit.