What do I have to convert to make my computer faster?


I bought this calculator a year ago:


I thought the performance should be enough, but I don't. Games sometimes run really slowly. Even Minecraft runs at 30 FPS at the lowest settings.

What could I change so that my computer runs faster? At least he should get Minecraft working properly.

I would prefer cheap things.


I would say throw it away and buy a new one.

But if you get a better graphics card (gt 1030 or rx 550 e.g.) then you should have better fps in most games. You can't play new things, but older games will probably work. CSGO, league of legends etc.

But the thing is realistically junk. All outdated components. If you want to play current games, you probably have to really replace the thing completely. Well, you can keep the case.


Well, if I were you, I would rebuild the entire system…

First you need a graphics card, depending on how much money you want to spend and what you want to play, if you want to play Minecraft I would recommend you to get an Nvidia GeForce GTX1050, but it will very likely be slowed down on your processor…

Because of the system conversion, new motherboard with a suitable processor and graphics card, ram and power supply you can actually leave.

Unfortunately, how many were ripped off, your PC may have a value of 100-120 euro, this is only suitable for office and co.

If you have any questions, you can write to me if you want


Hach yes, always these beautiful finished Pc's from Systemtreff XD #highend


Well, it says that the graphics card is only suitable for browser games.


Well, that's DDR3 ram. So he will probably have to replace it.


@ jort93 Yes, unfortunately, because many do not pay attention to it… I still find it cheeky that such PCs are sold for over 350 euro.


Yes, it is because he relies on an inexpensive older system if it is enough for him


If you had asked a year ago, you would not have thrown 400 euro out the window. (There would have been a reasonably usable gaming setup for a year ago, which would have been enough for 60 FPS at medium to low settings in graphically demanding games).

The thing, on the other hand, has an age-old CPU that was already bad at release 2012 and only one iGPU from the board, which was never intended for gaming, but only to fire up to 2 monitors with web and office software.

Except for storage media and housing, nothing can be used from the thing. I would most like to see if you are still somewhat similar on Ebay or similar. You get sold (that you get significantly more than 200 euro I doubt before) and you build something new.

If your budget is not enough, you can only add a graphics card with low power consumption, provided the power supply does not already whistle from the last hole; e.g. A GTX 750TI, gladly also used. That brings a bit in games, but don't expect miracles.


You underestimate what people pay for scrap on Ebay.

In my experience, you can still get 150 to 200 euro for the thing.


You only have to "sell yourself" well - so tell people about trash.


Any Xilence 400W part, … Is scrap but for a 750TI it could still be enough.


There's little with ddr3 what is worth compared to an fx 8350 if you consider the purchase costs for a new mb.


350 euro is fair, I think. This is solid for office and multimedia. You don't get a lot of gaming performance for 350 euro, especially if you include the working hours of the people who assemble it. You have to expect 50 euro wages for the person who assembles the thing. Then it costs 50 euro for customer service and other expenses (including profit?), Then 250 euro is not much for hardware.


@ jort93 You can get such PC's from 50 euro especially cheaper, the case is worth 25 euro, mainboard 40 euro, processor 5 euro, power supply 30 euro, ram 30 euro hard drive approx. 20 euro

For 200 euro you could say with a license etc. Good price, but still a 360 euro


Used yes.

But you also have to think about the profitability of the company that sells it.
You can't compare it with a calculator that you used from eBay.
On the computer, these are probably all new parts (the processors and motherboards are still packed in the warehouse), if not at least partially, and the rest is at least cleaned again, etc.
And you have to pay somebody to put it together.

You can get it for 50 or 100 euro, of course. But if you have an extra one built from largely new parts, that will cost more.

Should you buy such a pc for gaming? No.
But is the price fair? Yes.


I would no longer invest in the system. Everything needs to be exchanged. For ~ 500 euro there's a new system, which is superior to this by worlds.
Your system would need at least one SSD and a decent graphics card.


Intel i7 2600k used would e.g.


But I wouldn't buy a new MB for that. It's better than an fx 8350 or something, but it's not really worth it imo.


Well, it depends on what price you get that.