Minecraft Map from Cell Phone to Pc?


I would like to convert my Minecraft map to a java edition compatible version…


Since the mobile version of Minecraft is not a Java version, this is not possible.


It's clear to me😊😕 but I thought maybe there's some program that can convert the files but thank you anyway 😊👍🏻


"Converting" is not possible there.


Ah okay too bad ☺️


That is very easy!

There's the Universal Minecraft Converter, with which the coordinates of individual blocks in Minecraft are placed in the new world.

Minecraft Map from Cell Phone to Pc

But make sure that you choose the right version of the world.

So far everyone has said to such a question it is impossible, but the block coordinates can easily be copied and pasted in the new world, but I have to say that you will be surprised if you walk a little further away from your house (for example in an area where you have never been before) because the world generation of your computer and not your cell phone is used there. Then you will see something like this:

But your world is undamaged, your house and everything stay where it was and you can keep your cousin, etc.

And if you have difficulties, then also try http://mcctoolchest.com/Download.


Of course that is possible, the blocks are copied with their block data and the coordinates from where they were and pasted into the new world. See my comment.


Thank you, you also helped me. I was planning to convert from Bedrock to Java


I agree. But you can also play the Bedrock edition on the PC. Just cost extra.


Oha didn't know that it was possible.


Is it also possible the other way round? (Since I plan to create a world with the Java Edition, which should then also run on the Bedrock)

Does this also copy the NBT data of the items in the chests correctly, or are items copied in chests at all?


I've never tried it, but the NBT data should be copied with it. And that works with all versions. You can convert a Java, Windows 10, PE, Wii U, PS3 and an XBox 360 world into a Java, Windows 10, PE, Wii U, PS3 and an XBox 360 world