Does any of you have an idea how to convert these texture packs, which you have to download from some servers when you joint, into these normal permanent texture packs? Unfortunately, I have no idea about it, but in the long run it is just annoying to have to download it all the time, which is why I would be really grateful if someone could help me, thank you.
Contact the server admin and ask him if he can make it available for you to download.
The resource pack is downloaded from the server as a ZIP file. This file is a normal texturepack and if you download it manually you can use it like other packs.
But that won't help you, because as far as I know the server will still ask you if you want to download the pack, because the server can't see your local packs.
So if you can't refuse the pack when asked, it won't do you any good. If you can refuse, you can simply download the ZIP file, which should be displayed as a link when you confirm, and use it.
The pack must already be available as a download via a link so that the client can download it. And if I'm not mistaken, this link is also available when you ask whether you want to download it.
Okay, so the thing is, when joining directly it is not downloaded, but when I want to play a certain mode and when I have downloaded it temporarily it is in this "server-resource-packs" folder as a normal file and not zip
The file is definitely offered and saved as a ZIP. I don't know whether this will be unzipped, but that doesn't matter.
You can type in the link from which the pack is downloaded and manually import the pack into your Minecraft.
Alternatively, you can also copy the folder in the server packs folder and paste it into the normal packs.
So for me it's not as a zip or something, so I have this server resource pack folder and there's just a normal file in it and it's just not a picture or something, but when I click up a lot of characters. If I want to have it now as a normal texturepack, then I just have to create a folder in the texturepack folder and drag it into there or what? So you can also write privately here if that's okay with you
So in your server resource packs folder, is that a file and not a folder? Then this is the ZIP file.
You can also rename this to e.g. ""
You're probably on Windows, and you probably won't get it, but you can give it a try.
What happens if you copy this file as is and move it to the normal pack folder? So without sub-folders, just put the file directly in the resource packs folder
Then you should see the pack under the texture packs.
Habs as a zip file, then as a normal file in a folder and as a single file, none of them are displayed to me hm
If you have to confirm the download ingame is there a link from where the resource pack can be downloaded from?
So I don't know if you know the cubecraft server but if you go to lucky island there's an npc and if you click on it you can download it, but there's no link or anything else, it is downloaded directly
I just stopped by the server, it seems to me that a local pack won't bring you anything. The server will swap blocks for the resource pack to display them differently. And without "taking" the texturepack from the server, this exchange will not happen because the server doesn't know what kind of pack you have locally.
You can only hope for a change in the options from the server network.
But does it take a long time to download the pack every time? Your Minecraft should actually keep this in the cache.
Ne doesn't take long, but if there's no other way, I'll do it as always, thank you anyway.