Does anyone know how I can give myself an item with a custom texture via chat in Minecraft is for 1.15.2?
How did you insert the custom texture?
I edited the texture of a vaniller texture pack so I added it:
% appdata% / Roaming / Minecraft / Resourcepacks / namedestexturpacks / assets / minecraft / textures / item
By deleting the other texture and naming the new as the old one was called.
And then just
/ give your name minecraft: apple
But I wanted to make it so that the apple texture still stays when you take it out of the inventory
I uploaded an example texture pack to you
To get the re-textured apple, simply use this command:
/ give @p apple {CustomModelData: 1}
To replace the texture, you can simply open the path that you wrote above. In the folder you will find a picture Names green_apple. You can replace this with another picture, but the name must remain the same.
Ok thank you very much it just worked out, could you explain to me how I can add steak or an apple with different textures (or send it again because it helped)?
If I want to change an apple I have to name the picture 2.png and write the numbers for model to 2 um and then rename a folder or? Do I have to do anything else?
Here is a new answer, because you can't insert pictures in comments.
The following two files are in the folder: / dein_texture_pack_name / assets / minecraft / models / items
You save this file with the ID of the item for which you want to add the Custom Model Data.
You must also replace orginal_texture with this ID.
You replace item1 with the name you give the second file (everything must be in lower case and must not have any special characters or spaces).
With item2 you can do everything exactly the same as with item1. If you don't want a second item, you have to delete the comma at the end of the line of Item1 and the whole line of item2. If you want to insert more items, you can simply copy the line from Item1 and paste it above Item2.
You have to create this file for each item that you have previously defined and replace it with the name of which item1 replaced.
You must replace item1_textur with the name of the texture (everything must be in lower case and must not have any special characters or spaces).
Ok thanks it worked just how is it with steak and apples then I have to do what is in the 1 picture again for steak and the rest like before or?
Ok thanks just how can you give yourself steak via chat?
Same as with the apple. Simply replace apple with cooked beef
Ok thanks I try it out.