Change minecraft texture?

- in Textures

So I created a texture pack (everything works, etc.).

But now my question is whether I can change the texture of a block on a certain side…

So if I want to change the right side of a block (i.e. The front side has a different pattern than the right side), do I have to name the png on the right side? If yes how?


Here is the video: I plan to do something like that too, it's really cool!


Unfortunately it's not quite what I'm looking for, but thank you anyway!


No problem! Can still look for something else, you just have to describe it in more detail:-)


The name doesn't really matter. But you still need a .json file under assets \ minecraft \ models \ block, which has the same name as the "main block". There must be something in there:

"parent": "minecraft: block / cube_column",
"textures": {
"end": "minecraft: block / basalt_top",
"side": "minecraft: block / basalt_side"


Okay, and what has to be in it so that the upper side (when you look at it from above) of a door is transparent, just like the inside (double door; where the doors touch when you close them)?


What do you want to do?


So I'm just doing a texture pack for a stud (horse farm) on a server. I have now converted a normal door into a box door (this is what it looks like, the 2nd picture Since the door on top of me (if you look down at the door) still has texture and is not transparent, I wanted to make it transparent, but I don't know how.


Only the texture was changed in the texture pack. The game takes the 4 front outer pixels and grabs them to the side of the door.


And you can't change that?


Yes, you can import the model (the json file) into Blockbench and then create your own texture so that you have 4 pixels in addition to the texture of the door. Then you can also import the texture into Blockbench and then you have to select on the left side which pixels should be used for the pages.


Okay, I'll try that, thanks for the help