Minecraft treasure map?


I found a treasure map in minecraft but when I look at it around this arrow does not move so the arrow of the ads should show where you are as a player, please someone can help me


The point is your position. If he doesn't move, you're probably far away. Sometimes there are hundreds of blocks to the treasure. See which direction you have to go and run in that direction.

If the point e.g. Is on the top right, then you are north-east of the treasure, so you have to walk south-west. Etc. I think you know how cards work.


This is because you are not in the chunk where the treasure is.

You have to think about it. In reality you only have one map, you are not directly where the treasure is, it could e.g. Be in Afghanistan.

You have to be where the treasure is, that something is moving there. This is simply because you are just too far away from the place (chunk).


Yes, I understand that, but the arrow is not in the top right or anywhere else, but directly in the middle of the map, but it still doesn't move


The arrow is in the middle of the map and I see it too, but it doesn't move no matter how long I run


It does not matter. The treasure map is not like an ordinary map. You just have to get to the chunk and it will move. You are simply not in the place.

The treasure map is slightly different than the normal maps.


Ok I've traveled quite a bit now and the arrow has started to move too but when I'm just in front of the X the arrow just stays on the map


Then digging in there's probably a mistake.