Minecraft is now very gememed and maybe hated (I think) and I just wanted to hear your opinion on Minecraft. I'm very bored at the moment because I'm sick and that's why I'm constantly building houses in this game.
Minecraft is and remains one of the most played games.
I would play it again and again.
Cool, thanks
Why should one set to 1.8? Grade if you only build 1.13 but rather offers.
1.8 only makes sense if you play PvP, and even then you hardly notice a difference because the server off the cooldown anyway. 1.7.10 or 1.12.2 if you want modding. But purely for Vanilla there's no reasonable reason not to play on the latest version. Alone what happened to blocks.
I think Fortnite is better but as an (older) Minecraft player I still have it! It's also the best game when it comes to creativity, in my opinion.
I just like 1.8 more