I downloaded the map from Minecraft captive with Win-zip but I don't know what to do now?
Here is my step-by-step guide.
First make sure Minecraft is not open, otherwise it won't work. Now open the zipped folder that you downloaded. Inside you will find a folder called "Captive Minecraft Install Files". Open it The actual Minecraft world is in this folder and it is called "Captive Minecraft".
Keep this window open because you will need it later. Now press the Windows key and r at the same time. The Execute button opens. Enter% appdata% there and click ok. A folder called Roaming opens. All programs on your PC are in this folder. Search for Minecraft and open the folder. In this folder there's the folder "Saves". Open this folder and you will see all of your Minecraft worlds. Now you should have 2 windows in front of you: the one with all your worlds and the other from the beginning. Now drag the folder "Captive Minecraft" (This is the world of Minecraft Captive) into the other window where all your worlds are. Now close all windows and start minecraft in version 1.11.12 Then you have done it and the captive world is with your other worlds and you can play them.