What is wrong with this Minecraft Command?


I want to generate a chicken spawn egg, so I did this command with McStacker 1.12 (but I'm using 1.8):

/ give @r minecraft: spawn_egg 1 0 {display: {Name: "Spawn tennis ball"}, EntityTag: {id: "minecraft: chicken", Silent: 1b, CustomName: "Tennis ball", CustomNameVisible: 1b, HurtTime: 0, ActiveEffects: [{Id: 10b, Amplifier: 255b, Duration: -1, ShowParticles: 0b}, {Id: 25b, Amplifier: 10b, Duration: -1, ShowParticles: 0b}], Attributes: [{Name: generic. MovementSpeed, Base: 0}]}}

If I get the egg and want to spawn the chicken, nothing happens and the chicken doesn't spawn. Why and what can I do?


Try using a command for 1.8 or just not using 1.8 because it is bad


I see the other way round. 1.8.8 is the last version I played before it got too stupid (when 1.9 was introduced). Since then it has only become more banal and goes in a completely different direction than Minecraft actually wanted to go (when it was still run by Notch).
But everyone has his ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯


Well everyone as he says but for command generators 1.8 is just a little old and therefore it is difficult to find good commands.


That's absolutely true.

I only turned away from MC because I found the new Combat System of the 1.9 just bad.
I went on with the 1.8.8 for another year, but then there were so many other new things that I thought that this is no longer the MC that I know and love.
Of course, time problems were partly the reason ^^


I have not found any good command generators for 1.8 …


You can still play 1.8. You have to add a new installation at the top of the installations in Minecraft Launcher and choose Versoin 1.8.