Minecraft worlds in the saves folder but not in the game?

- in Worlds

Hey… So it is like this: The worlds are in the saves folder but not in the game. I unzipped them with WinRar etc. But still they are not in the game? Furthermore, every server is shown to me as "The connection to the server can't be established", despite a good connection… Does anyone know what the problem could be? Would be nice if you answer me (also with instructions - not too complicated, I'm only 12-) The desktop currently looks like this:

Minecraft worlds in the saves folder but not in the game

And the folder (s) like this:

Minecraft worlds in the saves folder but not in the game - 1 Minecraft worlds in the saves folder but not in the game - 2

The saves folder looks like this:

Minecraft worlds in the saves folder but not in the game - 3

And with EVERYONE! Server comes this message:

Minecraft worlds in the saves folder but not in the game - 4

Hope you can help me, and I hope I didn't bother you too much, Lg and have a nice day: your Joni1597


The worlds are not in the saves folder.

To get to the saves folder:

Windows + R → enter% appdata% → .minecraft → saves

As for the server connection, try the following:

Press "Refresh" several times
Check internet connection
Disconnect and reconnect the Internet
Restart launcher
Restart computer
Uninstall and reinstall Launcher
Check the server's IP address
Check the online status of the servers online
Check version, you have selected the correct version in the launcher to be able to play on the server
Your parents ask if they have blocked anything on the Internet

If you have done all of this and are still unable to do so, register again with a question and several pictures as just one, with the IP of the server etc.


Dear Mark, thank you for your answer. I'm already in the saves folder, the worlds are already in there. However, they can't be seen in the world overview (in the game). And please excuse the "not helpful" on my part. I accidentally figured it out and I don't know how it will go away… As for the server: thanks for the tips, I'll try them out right away.


Post a picture of the worlds in the saves folder. Because on the pictures you uploaded, it is nowhere in the save folder inside!




I think you have to select from this "EF Cyberpunk Map" folder the file you want (version and edition) and then put it in the front of the saves folder. So if you have Java 1.14. Play, then take the cyberpunk-1.14 folder, rename it "Cyberpunk" and put it in the saves folder


OK I will try


OMG! It works out!


Please! I'm glad!


Maybe it is a wrong file format, I had a similar problem (no connection to servers), I had to reinstall minecraft "afterwards", then it went again.


Worlds that you have in the save folder can only be played in single player and not in multiplayer. To play them in multiplayer, you have to create a server and copy the world in there. There are many instructions on how to do this, just google your own Minecraft server.


Jo Mark. How do I check the online status? I'm the absolute layman… 🤣



It says whether who is online (i.e. The server works) and there's also the version with which you have to join.


OK thanks


The site claims I have the right version (1.15.2) but I can't come. If my information is wrong please correct me… Lg joni1597


Which server is it? Then I quickly try it out to see if I'm fine.

Also tell me whether you can join well-known servers like Gomme or Hypixel or not.


Is the server mc-gtm.net that is actually the ip. But on your website is the ip: … Now I don't know what's right…


Yo hi katbiggi. What is the name of your server? And is it currently online?


It doesn't matter whether you use the IP with the numbers or the name, because the name almost only forwards to the number IP. Both work. I was using the latest version, but 1.12 is recommended for the server.

Note that this is a GTA role-playing server and the original GTA game is actually intended for older teenagers because of the violence and weapons involved - is not exactly the best for a 12 year old.

Can you connect to servers like Gomme or Hypixel? And have you already asked your parents if something is blocked?


As for violence, etc., don't worry. My parents didn't block anything either, with the exception of ESET Internet security (virus protection program) i.e. I can't load software with alleged malware, but otherwise everything works… If you give me the ip of hypixel or gomme I would try to connect to it… Lg Joni1597


Mc.hypixel.net & gommehd.net


Ok thank you try it now


So I can't join gommehd.net. But what are the resource packages set for: query?


As with all other servers, I get the following message: io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel $ AnnotatedConnectExpection: Connection refused: no further information

What does that mean?


The resource bundles are completely irrelevant when joining. The question is why Hypixel and Gomme don't work. Send a screen of joining at Gomme. Which ip did you enter and which version do you use.

Apparently there's a problem with you, because the servers all work.


Ok i send n shot. Use the java edition under version 1.15.2 (the latest)


My server is always online, but I don't say the name here, I don't want to advertise it. Google simply after katzebiggi or Gartentrulla. Then you will find him already.