Anyone ideas for a Minecraft project name?

- in Worlds

Me and my girlfriend are doing a small project together, but now we need a name for our project! So
our project is a world full of animals (they can talk and have their own kingdom)
I and she somehow came into this world and have to save the animal princess, and so we can only go back to our world.

in short: it is an animal world

any ideas? : 0


World of animals? 🤷🏻♂️


Well the question is whether the whole thing is possible, depends on the mods, also depends on whether you use a custom map or a randomly generated one. If it is a random map, you can't even enforce your project. For a name, you should think of a concept and describe this concept in just one word

Known examples:

The mega project

Hero (Heroric Roleplay it was I think)

Suro (survival roleplay)


Or under the Modpacks:




You simply have to find a name yourself, because you can't help here if you do not know your concept and understand how you would like it


Save The Animal Princess Game

So stap game


Honor, an og from hero times 😂. Even if novus was still the best, I would think so.


Boar hasn't heard in a long time, now I want to test you

Do you know DevineRPG and the two who did the project


No Always only with kev, debitor u. Spark watched.


Yes, I saw spark too, at least discovered it with the mega project