How can I create my own usershops in minecraft?

- in Worlds


My question is actually quite simple and although I have a plugin with esentialsX where I can buy or sell goods. That's nice and good in the next step I wanted to create a shop for the users. In this 4x5 room you can set up your own shop and beautify it as you wish. As soon as they leave their area, they no longer have building rights.

That means I'm looking for a plugin with which you can buy / sell land and this should be compatible with world guard / edit and valut for the minecraft 1.14.2 bukkit. I have already tried area as well as simple market shop. Area sometimes does not work simple market. Can someone recommend an alternative or explain how it works


I've heard that you can buy / sell plots with a plot plugin (Plotsquared), but you have to set this in the config, where you can also set the price