Can you transform a Minecraft world from the PC to the switch?
Usually not.
A pity
So I don't know how Bedrock is at switsh, but if you can just log in with the same Microsoft account on the switch, you will automatically have the same worlds
Do you play Bedrock or Java Edition on your PC?
If the Switch has something like Windows Explorer, then you can simply move the world folder from the PC to the Switch
Worlds are files in the system. How are they supposed to be on a completely different device?
As far as I know there's no function with which you can upload worlds in order to download them on other platforms.
> You have to be logged in with the same Microsoft account on both devices.
> Now start the free test phase of the realm. Or rent one.
> Upload your world from the Win10 edition there.
> And then the world back down on the switch.
There's no other way yet. But that's how it worked for me. ^^