I recently started a server for myself and a few friends. The server is relatively small and only has 12 slots. That's why I only created one group in Permissions. But this group does not have all the permissions. The group can't send / msg messages, can't do / sethome with Essentials, they can't create a box shop either. You just can't use modifyworld anymore.
Which permissions did you set?
- modifyworld. *
- multiverse.portal.access. *
- signwarper.warp
- backpack.craft
- backpack.open.item
- jessentials.sethome
- jessentials.home
- jessentials.delhome
- jessentials.back
- jessentials.nick
- jessentials.afk
- jessentials.mail.send
- jessentials.mail
- ChestShop.shop. *
- miconomy.send
- miconomy.bank.create
- miconomy.bank.delete
- miconomy.bank.send
- miconomy.bank.info
- miconomy.bank.deposit
- miconomy.bank.withdraw
- miconomy.bank.join
- miconomy.bank.leave
- miconomy.bank.open
- miconomy.bank.removeowner
- nicknames.nick.self
- setthespawn.spawn.use
- ep.sethome
- ep.home
- ep.invsee
- ep.pm
prefix: citizen
suffix: ""
default: true
inheritance: []
users: []
I do not know if that's right
Why are you writing "jessentials"? It should be called "essentials" or not?
Essentials does not work for me, this is another PLUGIN just essentials
Then I do not know. I'm sorry
Too bad trzd.
In the case of permissions, it is absolutely necessary to ensure that these are also spelled correctly. An e.g. There's no Jessentials.home, just essentials.home. Also, all permissions that are allowed must be present. A corresponding list can be found at the respective plugins, mostly under wiki. Plugins that have the same purpose are superfluous and hinder each other. For chestshop you also need chestshop.buy and chestshop.sell.
Modifyworld is outdated, but there are essentials. Necessary are at least 2 groups. Player and Admin because the admin has different rights than the player.
Have fun reading and correcting.
Thanks, it worked.