What is that environment?

- in Worlds

In my minecraft world I'm often building, and I like to teleport myself to very distant places, but suddenly something strange happened. It is not a glitch. It is an environment in the million coordinate. In any case, I'm in an environment. Where I see a lot of stripes from above that go on and on. So like an ocean covered with stripes. And the crazy thing is that I can't move forward, just down and left and right. I can only move forward if I use commands again. As I said, I can also go up and down. And underneath me is an ocean where you don't see anything in it like it is in minecraft where you see fish sand etc. What is that environment


Take a screenshot. It just sounds like you've been teleported too far.


It is definitely not a biome. It could be that the world could not load so quickly and therefore the loading hung up. Then it was just a bug


Don't have one right now, and the whole thing is on my pc. I don't find anything on the internet either.


You must have landed behind the world border.


If they are upright, then they are 100% world borders (world borders or world barriers) that are in every world, so you need not be surprised. These look exactly as you described. And precisely because they are world borders, you can't move on. You can find more about this here: https://minecraft-de.gamepedia.com/...ltbarriere


That is the world border.