MInecraft Server, why can't my buddy join?

- in Worlds

I have had my own Minecraft server for a long time.

However, there's a problem with one of my friends. It is not possible for him to access the server and then stay on it. It will kick again after about 30 seconds. It says: Internal Exception: java.oi.IOExeption: An existing connection was closed by the remote host. In my console, however, it says: [Server thread / INFO]:… Lost connection: Timed out

We have the problem both with Hamachi (VPN program) and with open ports (TCP: 25565 and UDP: 25565)

Of course, he also got the right ip address, which is hosted by NoIP.

I'm at a loss we tried everything:

His virus program is deactivated
My virus program is deactivated
The player data is removed from the player data as well as from all other files.
set up the server several times
We both reinstalled Java and Minecraft
New rules for the two ports and all Java programs for incoming and outgoing connections have been defined in the firewall.
And we tried different combinations.

I then completely rebuilt the server, reopened the ports and reinstalled the plugins.

The player could then easily go to the server without the connection being broken, and for several hours. But when the player was disconnected because he had a quick meal, everything started all over again:

Same error message, both for him and for me in the console
Same delay until kick

But why don't we know.

How can it be that he can easily play on the fresh server, but the next time he tries to play the same problem occurs.

Game version: Spiggot 1.14.4

assigned ram: -Xms8192M -Xmx8192M

Installed plugins:

Multiverse core
Multiverse portals
Multiverse SignPortals

MInecraft Server, why can t my buddy join

It would be helpful if you could post the server log from the session where it was kicked.


So the server log is very, very large and I can't get it here with mot copy paste. I'll see how I do it tomorrow morning but I'll do it.


Have you tried without NoIP?


Yes, we also tried, but he already figured it out with the NoIP address, only that after he disconnected the problem reappeared